
Friday, January 4, 2019

SLJ - Activity 3: Something Smells Fishy…[10 points]

Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish. FALSE
( The world's oldest fish is the octogenarian, and she love belly rubs😁.There is a link
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. FALSE
(Sharks doesn't even have eyelids!)

Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish. FALSE
(starfish is not a fish but is ashley a tip of Asteroidea.) This is the link to the web site I found it on

Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc) TRUE
Here is a video where learned some of my facts here is the link.

Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’ FALSE

Here is a link to some fishy video

1 comment:

  1. Hello again :)

    Well done on completing another bonus activity Elijescha. It's great how you've provided links to where you found your information. You might just want to go back and double check your answer to number two though. Let me know if you need help finding the information.

    Have a great day Elijescha, and happy blogging! :)



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